re-organizing the stereo…

When we first purchased our Computer Armoire from C and G Pine and Oak approximately 16 years ago, we had purchased our first family computer and it was BIG computer. Big old monitor and and big old CPU. It fit in the computer desk just lovely. And I love that armoire! It fits so nicely into our living room. But then, as we upgraded our computers over the years and computer components continued to get smaller, we wondered if our computer desk would become obsolete. Then came the laptops and the keyboard section, monitor section and CPU section of the armoire are now completely useless. Then I had a thought! The kinda thought where my husband holds his breath and says, “What’s you thought, dear?” Since we remodelled the living room a few years ago, I knew that I wanted to keep the stereo in our living room but I always struggled with where it was. We used a side table that my Mom had given me years ago and placed it next to one of our armchairs and it always sat there a little awkwardly, in my humble opinion. So once the computer was gone from the armoire I decided to plop that stereo right in that armoire and so glad that I did it. It looks great, it fits in there wonderfully and that awkward table is now gone. More space in the living room and less clutter. Just thought I would share some pictures of what it looked like before; that picture was taken many months ago.image

And this is what it looks like now…the cords are less obvious and it feels like it fits there so well.IMG_5566

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But once I took this picture it did look a little naked so the decision was then made to style the corner around the chair with just a few found items in the house. Moved that lamp from the other side of the living room…IMG_5587

Then came the basket…IMG_5589Then came the pillows and blanket lazily placed in the basket…IMG_5565

And then a few nicely placed pillows in the chair…So pleased with how it looks now. Cozy, comfortable and clutter free!

styling a table…

I took this picture for an Instagram post about 2-3 weeks ago to show my appreciation to Willow House for their great job re-covering my couch a couple of years ago and how it still looks as good today as it did when we brought it home. But this post is not really about that. It wasn’t until I took that picture and looked at it that I saw how empty my table was looking and how I knew I could do so much better than that. I knew I had lots of stuff that I could spruce that table up! So I shopped my house. A little task that I do frequently around my house. I get tired of looking a one vignette and decide I want to change it up! So that is exactly what I did.IMG_1841

I started by finding this huge golden tray that I use mostly at Christmas time. Placed it on the table over a great striped table runner. Then I placed my newly bound books on the tray and just started adding a bunch of things that I had gathered from around the house or had in my storage room in the basement. Those tall candle sticks with two really tall tapered candles, a beautiful turquoise vase bought at Bowrings years ago, a pretty little ceramic vase filled with little white mums,  a candle with it’s own terrarium given to me as gift at Christmas time, my cork coasters topped with a turquoise glad votive holder and finished off with a great candle from Yankee Candle. There you have it…By using lots of layering, mixture of colors and textures and you have a styled table. Not one red cent was spent. that is the best part of all!IMG_5579






binding old books…

I am so delighted with how this all turned out. I had these two old books. One is an old cookbook that my grandmother owned and one was a bible that was given to my sweet hubby when he attended Sunday School in 1977. They were in rough shape and I really could not afford […]

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a year in our life…according to my iPhone…

Mourning a Loved Brother and Uncle…We Miss You Harry! Spending time with family…Christmas 2013 A little Oliebollen on New Years Eve! Celebrating at 16th Birthday! Signing with Carleton to play a little Football! Playing a little Dodgeball For JHSS! Spending special time with my two girls…Grand Bend! Being the stud in Italy with a great […]

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where have I been…

It’s has been a while since I blogged about anything but it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been busy with things that I love. In September of 2013 I went to a Blog Conference called Blog Podium and it was fabulous! It opened my eyes to the possibilities that were open to me as a Blogger. […]

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lest we forget…

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the best carrot cake ever..

I have shared this recipe with you before, but I was just in the mood for this yummy cake again and I thought I would share again…It is such a moist cake and the icing is absolutely divine. My Grandma sure knew how to bake! CARROT CAKE Sift: 1 1/3 cup flour1 ½ tsp. cinnamon1 […]

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dear harry…

Dear Harry, The time has come to say “Goodbye” to you and I can hardly believe we are in this place. I thought I was ready but I really am not. I have so many fond memories of you and your crusty, old fart ways! Your passion for what was right and wrong! The way […]

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